Hey 👋 we're Thooja

The retention marketing agency that increases your profit

Meet our team

Ultan O'Callaghan

Founder & Head of Operations

Since Ultan started Thooja, he's been creating and improving processes that allow us to deliver amazing growth for our clients at scale.

Olena Severyn

Email Strategist

Olena has created retention programs for some of the world's biggest ecommerce brands. She creates winning strategies for our clients that deliver results.

Matt Graux

Email Copywriter & Localisation

Matt is our most senior French email copywriter. He localises our English emails into French to help our clients' subscribers receive emails in their native French.

Tamara Zena

Lead Email Designer

Those beautiful emails you see on our website? Tamara probably designed them. She leads our design team in creating high-converting emails that drive results for our clients.

Anne Meinecke

Email Copywriter & Localisation

Anne localises our emails into German, which allows our clients to reach their German audiences in their own language.

Mirish Gallero

Project Success Manager

Mirish ensures that we consistently deliver all our email campaigns and flows on time, at an exceptionally high standard.

Nardu Malherbe

Email Developer

Nardu manages our email development, which covers custom coding for Klaviyo emails using HTML and Django.

Julie Bancilhon

Email Copywriter & Localisation

Julie is part of our copywriting & localisation team and helps our clients communicate with their subscribers in their native languages.

Dean Jackson

Head of Email Testing

Dean ensures that everything in our emails works as expected. The links pointing to the right products? Rendering on dark mode? Mobile overrides? Dean tests those.

How & why we started Thooja

Ultan started Thooja in 2020 to solve three big problems he encountered when running his own ecommerce business. Four years later, Thooja is the perfect retention marketing agency.

Problem #1: Ultan was promised amazing results from his agencies, but they consistently didn't deliver. And they had lots of excuses that "explained" why they didn't deliver. Hiring each of these agencies was a costly mistake.

Thooja's Solution: We will be realistic with you about the results we can achieve for your business and the timeline for these results. That way, we're aligned on our goals and expectations, and there are no excuses.

Problem #2: Ultan's business wasn't re-converting existing customers, which was eating into profits. Since repeat is almost always the most profitable, this threatened his business' ability to continue operating.

Thooja's Solution: We will build a retention system for your business to help you re-convert your existing customers that you worked so hard to attract into repeat customers and maximise your business' profitability.

Problem #3: Ultan had to work with agencies that offered many different services and didn't "specialise" in email marketing. Using the analogy of a heart surgeon who doesn't also specialise in spinal surgery, why are there no "specialised" email marketing agencies? Surely, to offer the best retention marketing service to clients, you need to eat, sleep, and breathe it every single day and do nothing else?

Thooja's Solution: We offer retention marketing services and nothing else. We're focused on being the world's best retention marketing agency. Getting distracted with offering other services like paid ads or SEO won't get us closer to this goal and will reduce the impact we can have on profitably scaling your business.

What's with the name?

It's pronounced "thoo-sha". Thooja is inspired by "thuja", one of the world's fastest-growing trees. We combine "growth" and the "environment", so this makes the "thuja" tree a perfect fit for our name.

We chose the spelling of Thooja, not just because the .com domain name was available (which was a huge bonus) but because we surveyed over 50 friends and asked them how to spell "Thuja". "Thooja" was the most common spelling.

Sustainability at Thooja

Since 2021, we proudly work exclusively with sustainable brands. We define sustainable brands as those with ethical, traceable supply chains, measuring their carbon footprint, and maximising their consumer transparency.

Eco-friendly products are the future of commerce. We help companies that sell eco-friendly products retain their customers, so they can scale and outperform their competitors.

We hate "greenwashing" and will always "walk the talk" of sustainability through our actions. In addition to only working with sustainable bands, we're members of organisations like 1% for the Planet, Ecologi, SME Climate Hub, and others to help support and implement a full spectrum of environmental solutions.

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