Project overview

Ksoni is a plastic-free, natural haircare brand offering a range of shampoos, conditioners and body washes housed in aluminium packaging.

Ksoni approached Thooja to build out email automations on Klaviyo and create reusable email templates for campaigns. Ksoni also wanted help integrating its third-party apps with Klaviyo, including its reviews app (Yotpo) and quiz app (Octane AI).

By integrating their store's apps with Klaviyo, we could show dynamic product reviews within flow emails and campaigns. Similarly, with the Octane AI integration, we could segment Ksoni's audience based on their quiz answers.



Welcome Flow

By collecting zero-party data about Ksoni's shoppers, we could create hyper-personalised welcome flow journeys for subscribers based on their hair preferences.

Abandoned Checkout Flow

We conducted A/B testing of our Abandoned Checkout flow for Ksoni and found that messaging directly from Banasa Wiliams, one of the co-founders, achieved the highest revenue per recipient.

Ksoni Abandoned Checkout Flow

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